Your body is amazing and constantly regenerates

but body fat doesn’t

A new perspective on body fat and the motivation to burn it.

Clear out the “old life” to make space for “new life”!

Probably the most impactful reason to burn body fat.

Personally speaking, getting into the perfect size clothes isn’t a big motivator for me; my motivation is feeling much better about life. Clothes size and looking good is definitely the prime motivator for so many people but you might be one of those, like me, who wants life to improve.

What I AM MOTIVATED by, is the understanding that body fat is literally “old life”. I know my body is phenomenal and regenerates regularly, but not fat! The stored body fat is really the result of emotional eating. That said, I know that by clearing out the old fat I’m really ‘clearing out old experiences’ in a sense.

The next big question is… “but what if I put the weight back on again” right? Firstly, it’s not the same body fat you are putting “back on again”, it is a new experience. Secondly, yes, that’s a possibility because every one experiences ups and downs at certain times in life and there can be times when life is really challenging and we go to food to “soothe” our unhappy feelings. However… ‘clearing out the old’ in any aspect of life is opening up opportunity for “new”.

If you’ve ever been on a diet or started exercising, you already know that the first week, you can feel resistance. However, that resistance is NOT coming from thoughts or feelings about ‘how hard it is to change your lifestyle’ … or ‘how hard it is for you to stick to your new plan’. It is literally more physical than that and here’s why.

Body fat; spring clean is letting go of all the old not hanging onto the last 20% every year.

Think about spring cleaning your home …

I know from my own experience that spring cleaning is very energising. Over the years, I’ve noticed this pattern of doing only about 80% of the job.  I’ve noticed that there are some things I’m just not prepared to let go of “YET”.

Each year I come to these items, (which are sitting at the back of the cupboards or in the basement) and I feel resistant to letting them go; I promise myself that’ll let go of them soon!

Your body is a phenomenal defence system that protects “what is”.

So … when you decide to ‘change something’, your body sends a signal to you to say “Eeerr, I can feel new instructions, we’re changing the physical structure, is that OK boss?” That resistant feeling is your body checking whether it’s “OK to let go of the OLD plan”. Every part of your body senses this change from your nervous system to your organs; they are all a connected energy system.

I just can’t let them go…

I justify continuing to hang onto these things by telling myself  “I’ve done a good job” and “I’ve had a good clear out”. However, in reality I’m always clearing out only the “surface layer” and leaving the SAME “old things” at the back of the cupboard!

It’s easy to feel good and see visible results and get into a smaller clothes size enough to feel complacent… but is there fat that you never feel you get to?

The reality is,
we have to “get rid of the old”,
to have “a new” reality …

so burning that old fat and clearing out “the past” has much more of an impact long-term than just “getting into our favourite jeans”.

Ultimately, we all want life to get better; we want new fresh experiences but hanging onto the old at the same time can make that process hard or even not let it happen.

Resistance is the real obstacle

There are many ways to burn body fat. The reason why I fell in love with Herbalife (aside from the quality and integrity of the company)… is that it is the easiest, most simple and most convenient way. This meant that I didn’t give up until I burned all the old layers of body fat instead of just being happy with losing some.

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